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Day Thirty Two

October 10, 2022

Santiago de Compostela

Dear Michael,
I have wanted to make the pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela ever since I read about it several years ago. I am thrilled for you and jealous because my aging body would no longer allow for such a journey. I am certain that this experience will live with you into old age and beyond.

Please take me with you in your heart and I will be traveling with you in my prayers every day.
Ann Ravenstine



Here you are. Today. On a journey.

In the present. In the now.
In the know and do-not-know.

To just put one foot in front of the other.
To be in that motion. In that moment.
How beautiful is that!
So simple. Yet, we need to be reminded.

Sometimes we need blisters on our heals to be reminded.
Sometimes we need solitude to be reminded.
Sometimes we need a good friend to remind us.

There’s a beautiful day ahead of you.
One step at the time.

From the Swede in Chillicothe